Mike Spills the Tea
Health Benefits of Tea
New research shows that just two cups of tea a day can have real health benefits from plant compounds known as flavan-3-ol.

Single-Origin Teas
Discover what qualifies teas as single origin or estate and which estate teas Harney regularly sources.

Harvesting Hemp
From tiny seeds to adult-sized plants, learn how we grow and process our hemp plants and turn them into all-natural CBD products

Gunpowder Tea
A special Chinese green tea, Gunpowder tea gets its distinct name and flavor from how it is processed.

What Makes Tea Organic?
Organic foods are incredibly popular, and tea is no exception. Find out what makes a tea organic and what the benefits might be.

Tea & COVID-19
My father started Harney & Sons with the goal of being a trusted tea merchant. And we have continued with that tradition.

New Mcgill Study on Plastic Teabags
We are aware of the new McGill study and working with the Canadian Tea Association to investigate the claim. Read on for our statement.

Tour of Our Millerton, New York Factory
We’re taking you inside our 90,000 square foot factory located in Millerton, New York to give you a unique view of our process through the eyes of an artist. Follow along as we take you from tastin...

Return of the Bison
Each year we give 1% of our sales to environmental causes.
Our newest recipient is the National Wildlife Federation and their Tribal Lands Conservation Program. Late last year they started to retur...

Giving Back - Harney & Sons Stewardship
Ten years ago, Paul Harney had a crazy idea.
"Let's join 1% for the Planet."
We would give 1% of our sales to environmental organizations, just like his hero Yvon Chouinard (of Patagonia). The ...